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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Call for Cover Art and Photography

Natural Awakenings magazine is extending a call for cover art and photography and accepting submissions online via a dedicated webpage. The monthly healthy living, franchised publication, available free in more than 80 cities in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, is known for eye-catching covers that feature original works by artists from around the world. The covers reflect monthly editorial themes, and a variety of selections are distributed to all franchise publishers so they can choose which cover they want to run.

“This is an exciting opportunity for artists and photographers to be featured on one of our covers and reach a huge new audience, because our readership exceeds 3.6 million,” says founder and CEO Sharon Bruckman.

Selected artists that grant permission to use their work are featured in a one-third page, professionally written “Cover Artist/Photographer” editorial (bio) that introduces the artist and includes their website and contact information.

For more information, including a list of monthly themes, submission terms and format requirements, visit

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