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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Organizing Your Life, Your Space and Your World Self-Test

May 08, 2013 05:51PM ● By Jenny Bair

Take this quiz to see if a professional organizer can help you.

Your Space

  1. Do you find it difficult to create or maintain order on your desk or in your closets, car or drawers?

  2. Have you repeatedly tried to create organization systems at home or in the office that never seem to last?

  3. Can you park your car in your garage?

  4. Do you know where your family’s important paperwork is—insurance, tax info, will, financial—right now?

  5. Does it seem you are regularly looking for something—your keys, your shoes, scissors, etc.?

  6. Are you embarrassed or ashamed to have people over because of the clutter?

  7. Can you actually work at your desk in your home office?

  8. Do you feel your life is out of balance?

  9. Your Life

  1. Does your life bore you?

  2. Do you wish you had more time and energy for fun stuff?

  3. Do you feel stuck, and long for real, lasting change in your life?

  4. Do you find it difficult to make time for yourself?

  5. Are you longing to make radical changes in your physical lifestyle (weight loss, smoking cessation, better eating habits, more exercise)?

  6. Are you regularly forgetting important events or appointments?

  7. Do you find yourself scrambling to get things done at the last minute?

  8. Do you feel you could get further in your life if only you had someone to motivate you?

  9. Your World

  10. Are you dreading an upcoming event because of all of the planning and details that you must take care of?

  11. Do the people that you work with seem to operate reactively, rather than proactively?

  12. Does your business waste money on office supplies it already has, but doesn’t know where to find (scissors, paper, tape, pens, staplers)?

  13. Would your life be easier if your team or office “got it together?”

  14. Scoring: one point for each yes answer.

  15. 1-5: Congratulations, you have a true talent for getting and staying organized. Keep up the good work.

  16. 6-12: You understand the ideal of being organized, but actually applying your insight to all areas of your life is difficult. You find yourself wishing someone would magically appear to straighten up your life.

  17. 13-19: Organization is not your strong point—in fact, your business, home life or self-image are suffering. The good news is that you can make order out of the chaos in your life. Simplicity, productivity and efficiency are within your reach, especially with some professional guidance.

Jenny Bair, MHE, is the co-founder of Living Well Dallas. For more information, visit