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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


An Interview with Jeff Primack: Founder and Visionary of Supreme Science Qigong

Jeff Primack

I had no clue of really what qigong was prior to this interview, but now after watching you train instructors for a week, researched your testimonies and tried some of your smoothies, I think it’s very important for people to know exactly what qigong is.

Qigong is the art of harnessing qi, which directly affects the blood flow and is an exercise that makes your blood pulse. This pulsing occurs by moving qi using specific breathing techniques, along with postures and slow graceful movements. Qigong also encompasses using healing foods, herbs, acupressure and yogic stretches, all of which energize the body, increase vitality and accelerate metabolism.

I practice yoga a few times a week and find the methods of qigong to be quite different. How qigong is different from yoga or other healing therapies like acupuncture?

Qigong is different from yoga primarily because it requires slower, more gracious movements to harness our electromagnetic field. Some qigong exercises build muscle or speed, but most are a pulsation of qi through the body. Qigong is the “sensation of energy” and is highly tangible. A few advanced systems of yoga, like kriya yoga, have striking similarities to qigong in that they move energy directly. However, compared to most systems of yoga, qigong has a much greater emphasis on precise breathing techniques. Qigong deals with smaller movements of the abdomen to circulate qi and more precise movements of the hands, rooting into the earth and opening up pathways of energy. Yoga works with energy, but to a lesser degree, and although we practice and love yoga, qigong does what yoga cannot. We train many thousands of yoga teachers and they are always blown away by the tangibility of qi experienced at our seminar.

In regard to acupuncture, qigong doesn’t use needles for treatment. However, qigong is self-healing and directly affects the source of disease, which is poor circulation to various organs and body areas. Acupuncture is excellent for eliminating many health issues, but the fact qigong can be done by yourself, free of charge, makes it special. Most acupuncturists are strong believers in qigong, and some actually prescribe qigong exercises to their patients’ in-between treatments.

I’ve been doing your qigong strength training every other day and my belly is getting some definition, but the best part is that I feel so peaceful at the end. How do you explain what is special about qigong methods of fitness and muscular conditioning?

Qigong strength training is 100 percent nurturing of qi, instead of taxing, like some traditional exercises. If you have old injuries, you can practice qigong without any side effects. We use “holding qi” postures like horse stance to build the root chakra and leg strength of the body. When doing hyperthrows, we use extreme fast, followed by slow, “pressing on qi” movements, which works wonders for circulatory issues and building muscle. These yin and yang alternating movements open arteries to expand blood flow beyond what traditional exercise is capable of. Qigong breathing and movements are merged into a mildly challenging fitness routine and this qi integration helps you to recover faster and go deeper than normal.

People are excited that Houston will experience the largest qigong gathering Texas has ever seen. 500 people highly focused into healing practices inside one beautiful ballroom sounds exciting. How does the group energy effect of so many people’s energy in the same room make a difference?

A master known as Dr. Yan Xin was perhaps the most influential qigong figure of all time. He facilitated 30,000-person qi lectures in stadiums. Due to the huge collective energy at these stadium events, many experienced the deepest levels of qigong within hours and many miraculous healings were reported. Historically speaking, qigong went from being practiced by almost no Chinese people in the 1970s to a mind-blowing 200 million by the mid 1980s! This came to a screeching halt in 1999 when the Chinese government, for fear of an uprising, outlawed large qigong events. I believe qigong is God-connecting, humbling, healing to the spirit and unifies people, which is something the Chinese government is not supporting now.

America is different, and I am proud to live where my president supports qigong and the right to gather in freedom. Why only $129 for four days of qigong? Because we want the secret of qigong healing to get out. Hundreds moving and breathing in sync is truly vivid and allows you to experience energy beyond what you could by yourself. Where two or more are gathered, seeds of love are scattered.

Qi Activation comes to the Houston Convention Center from July 20 to 23. Jeff Primack and 25 qigong teachers will conduct four days of qigong for $129. For more information or to reserve tickets, call 800-298-8970 or visit

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