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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Brain Balance Center Plano

The Brain Balance program brings hope to families of children that suffer from behavioral, academic and social challenges. As a specialized achievement center, Brain Balance utilizes a drug-free, multifaceted approach to address the underlying issues in many of the developmental and learning disorders that impact children today.

The unique Brain Balance program was designed to help children with neurobehavioral and developmental disorders become more focused and better behaved, improve their academic performance and enhance their communication and social skills. With more than 15 years of success, the Brain Balance program works with a child’s strengths and provides strategies to compensate for specific weaknesses, while addressing the fundamental problem of imbalance in the brain.

At the core of most of the disorders is desynchronized processing speed, or an imbalance between the two hemispheres of the brain, resulting in a functional disconnection. Even though there is no physical damage, the halves of the brain are not communicating or processing information the way they should. This faulty communication creates the complexity of these disorders which affects every functional system in the body: motor, sensory, immune, visual-spatial and cognitive. Each child has a unique combination of functional weaknesses and challenges that must be addressed individually through assessment, documentation and use of extensive testing in all areas of function and treatment.

By promoting the development of new pathways and stronger connections in weaker regions of the brain, processing speeds increase and the communication between the two hemispheres is restored. The Brain Balance program combines sensory-motor training and specific cognitive activities with nutritional support to achieve optimum brain and body functions. The program is designed to improve each function individually, becoming progressively more challenging and integrative as the child’s gains are realized. Because this function precedes further development, a solid foundation is necessary to further develop strong behavioral, emotional and cognitive skills.

The Brain Balance program is presented in a nurturing and enjoyable fashion, improving brain function through sensory-motor and academic activities that have been developed specifically for children. This has proven to be much more effective than extra help in school or behavioral counseling alone, and provides parents with an indepth understanding of why their child is struggling and what can be done.

Location: 1501 Preston Rd., Ste. 550, Plano. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 972-248-9482 or visit