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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Ice Storms Can Cause Permanent Damage

Severe ice storms over the holiday season have stricken many communities, and the first order of business was clearing roads and restoring power. The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) reminds homeowners that what’s fallen to the ground after an ice event is only part of the overall danger when working around damaged and ice-covered trees.

Tree limbs damaged in an ice storm can split or break in the treetops, and branches of all sizes can come crashing down at any time, especially during high winds. Trees should be checked from the bottom up, preferably by a certified arborist, to determine the full extent of damage.

Dangerous work such as pruning or removing trees should be left to trained professionals. Be sure to ask for proof of insurance before hiring a tree service for the job. Don’t hire someone asking for business door-to-door and offering reduced rates for tree work. Never allow a tree professional to “top” the trees. Topping trees does more harm than good because it increases the tree's recovery time and makes it more dangerous.

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