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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Enlightened Relationships: February Letter From Publisher

Bernice Butler, Publisher

I love the idea that as a society, we value love and joyful relationships enough to set aside a special day to celebrate them. Valentine’s Day may well be the most celebrated holiday around the world, second only to New Year’s Day. It also represents the top card-giving occasion after Christmas. But holidays aside, every day confirms that love and relationship are a universal tenet of human existence. 

I regularly reference the Bible’s book of 1 John, which emphatically affirms, “God is love.” I try to live this foundational principle by subscribing to the JOY principle:  Love Jesus first, Others next, and then Yourself. While I don’t always get it right, it’s a beacon that keeps me going in the right direction.   

With this month’s Enlightened Relationships issue, we are excited to bring you fresh discussions on a healthy love of life, people and the planet. The dictionary defines enlightened as “having or showing a good understanding of how people should be treated.” That necessary entails understanding how the home planet we all rely upon to nourish and support us should be treated, as well.

We can start our journey to more awakened relationships by expanding our sphere of living love to include people we rarely consider, but that touch our lives on a frequent basis. What do our thoughts, words and eye contact communicate to everyone from bosses and store clerks to garbage handlers and strangers we meet?

We all can love our planet better by consistently assessing the sustainability of the products and services we buy, starting with asking producers questions like: How are the farmers and laborers treated, and what were they paid? What were the ecological costs to produce and ship the product/products? What pesticides are used and affecting the workers, land, plants, birds and others animals living around the farms? By being more thoughtful about the foods we eat and other products we buy, we manifest greater respect for everyone, including ourselves.

This month’s contributors offer much food for thought. Judith Fertig’s feature article, “Happily Coupled: Creating Loving Relationships that Work,” illustrates the value of consciously fostering deep connections with others. Deborah Shouse explores Mary O’Malley’s journey from self-doubt to self-love in “Finding Your Way.”

Every month, Natural Awakenings of Dallas is here to provide educational, thought-provoking insights to help you live your best life. We consider it a privilege that you spend time in relationship with us and trust that your life is consistently improving through your use of the information and connections we provide via the best healthy living, wellness and sustainability experts in the Metroplex. May we each embrace all the good that life on Earth daily offers us.



Bernice Butler, Publisher