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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Honoring the Feminine at Dallas Yoga Center

May 02, 2016 03:22PM ● By Gina Cronin

David Sunshine

For more than 26 years, the Dallas Yoga Center (DYC) has been offering high-quality yoga and integrative wellness to the community. Owner David Sunshine shares, “Our mission has always been deeply invested in honoring the feminine. Women are always doing so much to take care of others, and this May, DYC offers a variety of classes and events that are specifically designed to empower women to take care of their own needs, replenish their energy and to support them in their personal growth.”

Sunshine grew up in Dallas and became interested in yoga at a very young age. In high school, his father gave him books on Buddhism, Eastern philosophy, healing and holistic wellness that set him on his path long before yoga was popular in the West. In college, he spent a semester in India, where he studied yoga, lived in a Tibetan monastery for several months and even received teachings directly from the Dalai Lama. In 1998, he was asked to take over and direct Dallas Yoga Center, the first of its kind in Dallas, and with the help of many has turned it into the distinguished institution that it is today.

Women’s wellness month at DYC is complete with options that include a women’s vision board workshop on May 7, where participants are invited to think creatively about their goals while turning dreams into reality. At the a full moon women’s gathering on May 22, attendees can join in community and release tension with dancing, drumming and meditation. There are also weekly Meditation, Sound Healing and Yoga for Women classes to rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. These ongoing events provide tools to help women center their mind and take time out of their busy lives to relax, refresh and renew.

Dallas Yoga CenterSunshine explains, “Women’s lives often are centered around taking care of the needs of others, but yoga so beautifully redirects one’s focus on self-care and self-compassion, all of which is at Yoga Posethe heart of creating an empowered and healthy lifestyle.” There are many tools that yoga offers to calm the mind such as meditation and breathing techniques; to open the heart, such as backbends; and to restore the hormonal system, such as forward bending.

For those hesitant or self-conscious to try yoga for the first time, Sunshine ensures that DYC has very friendly teachers and a warm and welcoming setting where newcomers can feel comfortable, at home and appreciated. He realizes it can be intimidating at first, which is why they have four studios to break up classes by experience level. “Yoga is the 4,000-year-old art form of tending to ourselves and to the preciousness of our being,” says Sunshine, “Dallas Yoga Center is here in part to help women recognize their vast wisdom and nurture themselves.”

For more information, call 214-443-9642. For a complete schedule, visit

Gina Cronin is a features writer for Natural Awakenings Dallas.

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