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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Innovative Treatments at The Animal Doctor

Jun 04, 2016 12:45PM ● By Gina Cronin

Dr. Nancy Bozeman

Many people are moving their families, including the four legged members, over to complementary medicine. Just as humans have seen the benefits of holistic healing modalities, so have cats, dogs and many other animals. The Animal Doctor provides its furry clients with alternative treatments that include acupuncture, homeopathy, Chinese herbal medicine, veterinary orthopedic manipulation, nutritional adjustments and low-level laser therapy.

Owner Dr. Nancy Bozeman is certified by the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society and is a founding and certified member of the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association. She started her alternative studies more than 30 years ago with Dr. Norman Ralston, an esteemed leader in alternative veterinary medicine in the U.S.

Bozeman recently incorporated two new products that she explains have been accelerating the healing process of her patients. The first is called ASEA, a product that replicates redox signaling molecules, which are messengers that help protect and optimize cellular activity. These molecules are native to every cell in the body, but through aging, environmental toxicity and stress, become diminished, causing a range of health issues. Scientific studies have shown that this supplement balances and stabilizes redox molecules, boosts immunity and reduces inflammation and oxidative stress.

Mr. Cowboy
Mr. Cowboy
Bozeman shares, “My dog Mr. Cowboy, who joins me every day at the office, was experiencing abnormal urinary outflow and low energy levels. After three days of taking the ASEA supplement, he was back to his energetic self.” The product has also worked to heal feline AIDS, gingivitis, lump masses and enlarged lymph nodes. “I have found that the effectiveness of homeopathic and herbal solutions is boosted when combined with ASEA.” says Bozeman.

The other product is Restore, a non-toxic, soil-derived supplement that supports gut health. Exposure to chemicals and pesticides in the environment and in food can destroy good bacteria in the gut. This can then lead to leaky gut syndrome, which causes inflammation and a host of autoimmune diseases in pets.

Bozeman notes that Restore supports digestive wellness and skin health in her patients. “One dog had been to several vets because of skin issues, but was still in terrible shape,” says Bozeman, “I added the supplement and made a few other small changes and the owners called in crying with happiness a month later, because the dog was growing hair in places that it hadn’t in so long.”

Both of these products are used by humans, as well, and have significantly improved the health of everyone from children with autism to overweight adults with high cholesterol and athletes seeking peak performance levels.

Bozeman works to restore optimal functionality in her patients bodies instead of using conventional medicine to temporarily suppress symptoms. Restore and ASEA are helping her to treat the root of many different issues, balance the entire system and bring her clients beloved pets back to a state of wellness.

The Animal Doctor is located at 621 N. Little School Rd.,in Kennedale. For more information, call 817-572-2400 or visit

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