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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Spirituality as a Guiding Principle

Nov 30, 2016 09:22PM ● By Gina Cronyn

Robyn Abramczyk, DDS, is the founder at Smile Ranch Dentistry. She specializes in general dentistry with a holistic approach and holds memberships in Academy of General Dentistry, Holistic Dental Association, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine and others. Abramczyk is intrinsically guided by her spirituality in both her personal and professional life.

What does spirituality mean to you, and how has it guided your life?

Spirituality is the center of my life. This is partly due to my upbringing; I was raised in a very spiritual family. I am a Jesus follower, and hold in my heart nonjudgmental love and see everyone through Christ’s eyes. I believe each individual is more of a spiritual being than a natural being, and my faith is my moral compass. Whenever I make big or little decisions, I base my choices on where I am spiritually guided.

I remember when I was 13, I was prophesied over that my hands would be healing hands. This was after I got into a bad car accident and went through multiple unsuccessful oral surgeries. My mom prayed over me this scripture verse, which to this day hangs upon my office book shelf: 
“Thus says the Lord God to these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you should live!” Everything goes back to the way I was raised and my life experiences. There was a reason for everything that happened to me, and I think God has a tremendous way to reach out to and heal others.

How has your own faith influenced your business?

Before I studied dentistry, I was a single mom and pregnant outside of wedlock, but God gave me the courage and strength to not listen to those around me who said I can’t live my dreams. I really knew in my heart that I was supposed to be a doctor, and listened to voice of God. Because I was obedient, God brought people out of woodwork to help me along the way; from getting my master’s to writing my thesis to taking the dental school entrance exam to my first three years of dental school—all while single and working. Through all of the financial hardship I endured, God was there with me. As a single mom it was so hard, but I did it because I had faith and was obedient.

Fast forward to me in my practice where I have the chance to reach out and heal people every single day. God is really using us to touch people in mighty ways. He works through us and is getting all of the glory. All of the lives touched and all of the bodies and mouths healed is thanks to him.

How do you see people’s awakening spirituality influencing local issues?

Here’s what I feel: in the wake of a lot of things that have been happening in the world as of late—and I’m even thinking back to 9/11—I’ve never seen so much racial division and political unrest. And I feel that in the wake of these events, people have a hunger to get back to basics and realize who they truly are. When I look at those around me, I see people coming from a place or love or fear. When we come from fear, we see division, hatred and frustration. It becomes easy to love and extend grace to those who live in fear. We need to love and I feel part of my purpose is to heal and love those in my sphere of influence. I truly believe that deep down humanity is good, and this goes back to spirituality and remembering who God is and what that means in an individual’s life. Even with these horrible things going on, people are turning back to God. This reminds me of another scripture verse my mom would always share with me: “God will use our stumbling block and turn it into a stepping stone.”

Are you optimistic about the state of spirituality in America?

I’m always an optimist, I see evidence that love is a greater force than division and hatred. It’s like the pendulum effect; even in a city where a small group of people are praying for the city, there can be a great change in that city.

Do you feel that there is a correlation between health and spirituality?

When I look at the whole person in my practice, I know we are more of a spiritual being. If you are vibrant in spirit, you will be vibrant in health. They are interconnected and one can’t have true health unless their spiritual life is healthy.

What are some words of advice that you can offer spiritual seekers?

Today there are so many distractions around us that sometimes it’s hard to set aside time to work on spirituality, but it’s critical first thing in morning to not turn on your cell phone and instead spend time with God. The first thing I do is I have that alone time with him and meditate on his love for me. The way I believe is that we are created in his image and that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Whenever I would feel down, my mom would tell me pray out of my need. If I’m struggling financially or with a certain relationship, invariably I can find someone around me with the same issue; and so I pray for them and for that need which is also my need. When I go to God on their behalf and pray to help restore, reconcile or alleviate their need three things happen: 1. I am able to get out of only thinking about myself. 2. I always feel better. 3. Amazing things happen.

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