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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Taking Steps Toward Improving Air Quality

In 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency designated 10 counties in North Central Texas as deficient in reaching for the 2008 eight-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, but we can work together to improve the region’s air quality by making small, impactful changes in behavior.

Air North Texas, a regional campaign and partnership that seeks to improve North Texas air, offers the opportunity to participate in Clean Air Action Day on June 23 by doing at least one thing to help improve air quality. Examples of simple actions include carpooling, using public transit, biking or walking instead of driving, telecommuting or bringing our lunch to work.

People can complete a form at and then share a picture share a photo of their action on social media on June 23, using the hashtag #CAAD2017 and tagging @NCTCOGtrans for a chance to win a prize.

Stay informed about ozone levels from March through November by signing up for air pollution alerts at