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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Homeopathy and Resilience to Disease

by Cathy May Lemmon

Promoting wellness and wholeness is vitally important during the COVID-19 pandemic. It makes sense to follow time-honored approaches that include washing hands with soap and warm water; coughing/sneezing into the elbow; eating whole, nourishing, non-GMO and preservative-free foods; getting adequate rest; consuming plenty of whole, natural vitamin C, D3 and K2; drinking plenty of water; getting adequate rest; and staying home when not feeling well.

The best source of vitamin D3 is the sun; get outside for at least 20 minutes a day. Vitamin C is found in good measure in citrus fruit. Real, whole foods really are the first best choice for the vitamins and minerals we need. Make sure these are non-GMO foods and not treated with pesticides or artificially enhanced colors.

There are effective homeopathic options for prevention, as well. For more than 200 years, homeopathic medicines have prevented, treated and cured every symptom this current coronavirus has been presenting. Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. It was developed in the late 1700s in Germany. It’s common in many European countries, but it’s not quite as popular in the United States.

Homeopathic medicines do not work by diagnoses, they work by symptoms, so the most effective homeopathic medicine for the treatment of these symptoms is going to depend on which are presenting themselves. A basic belief behind homeopathy is, “Like cures like.” In other words, something that brings on symptoms in a healthy person can, in a very small dose, treat an illness with similar symptoms. This is meant to trigger the body’s natural defenses. Please consult with a well-trained homeopath or naturopath for further direction.

These are a few herbs are also showing great effectiveness in treating the COVID-19 symptoms: echinacea, astragalus, red algae with iodine and thyme. Homeopathic remedies include Bryonia, Arsenicum Album, Gelsemium and Camphor.

The best first step for prevention is promoting immunity—our bodies want to be well. Following measures that have kept us well and healthy for thousands of years will continue to work now. We need to strengthen and build our God-given immune systems. Homeopathy does this. And one of the most important things to do right now, as well, is to let go of fear and embrace health and wellness.

Cathy May Lemmon, LCPH, MARH, CHP, founded the nonprofit Homeoprophylaxis: A Worldwide Choice in 2015, and has put together international conferences, around the world. For more information, call469-383-8442 or visit
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