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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Happiness Is Wired into Our DNA

by Debra Rossi

We are living during unprecedented times. Calm, happy, joyful, or peaceful emotions come from knowing that what you feel is your choice. What we think is our choice. Our thoughts aren’t in charge—we are. Daily healthy self-care practices are essential to soothe our emotions. How we want to feel gives us momentum to take action and have the right self-talk.

  • Choose to start the day with an attitude of positive self-talk. Optimism is just plain healthy. The more we practice having positive attitudes and beliefs, the more our brain will wire them in. We can create new neural pathways in the brain. Scientists call this neuroplasticity.

  • To create an attitude of happiness, peace, spiritual well-being, or thankfulness begin with our self-talk: “I choose to live my life today and every day, in a positive, healthy way – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I choose to be healthy.”

  • Fill the mind with these daily affirmations of joy, happiness or inner peace. Write them down, say them out loud and say them before going to sleep.

  • Take a meditation break. Sit quietly, close the eyes and focus on our breathing. Do this breath exercise for one or two minutes, four times a day, to help calm ourselves.

  1. Take four seconds to inhale (through the nose).

  2. Hold the inhale for four seconds.

  3. Take four seconds to exhale (through the mouth).

  • Journal daily. Neuroscience research proves writing and reflecting on ourselves furthers the spiritual evolution of the brain. We will have less stress, more motivation and new self-awareness.

  1. New self-awareness promotes general improvement in the immune function.

  2. Writing is a method to release anger and reduce stress.

  3. Reflection promotes compassion for yourself and others.

  • Practice seeing/feeling the beauty of life: A sunset, crepe blossoms in full bloom, feeling the grass under bare feet, a walk-through nature, or picnic by the lake.

  • Learn how to use EFT Tapping Technique. It will help to relieve emotional distress. Tapping gives us the power to help with healing.

  • Nurture ourselves in small ways, which will allow us to nurture ourselves in bigger ways. Curl up with a book, listen to music, nap, dance, do yoga, exercise, talk with a friend, get more sleep.

  • Create our own gratitude or happy list and say them out loud daily.

  • Pray! Laugh! Kiss! Give hugs to ourselves and others! Love ourselves! Be happy!

Debra Rossi, ACC, is a personal life coach and founder of Mindset for Success Coach. For more information, call 817-925-2999 or visit 

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