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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Seth Godin's Almanac Makes Facts Accessible

The first 500 in-person attendees at the Dallas College Sustainability Summit will receive two free copies of the bestselling The Carbon Almanac book, a collection of easily referenced resources that create foundations for conversation. Founding editor Seth Godin says, “We’re facing a calamity, and we’re not even talking about it. The reason is that we’ve been indoctrinated to be quiet, to feel unsure and to blame ourselves. We’re ashamed of our carbon footprint, concerned that we don’t recycle enough and not sure what to say.” Godin is the keynote speaker at 4 p.m., November 4.

The Carbon Almanac, written by more than 300 people from 40-plus countries in both hemispheres, is designed to address all these problems as a place for beginners to begin, and just as importantly, it is a book for people to give to their friends. Godin says, “There’s a lot of data about climate. There isn’t that much information. The dense reports, the hard-to-understand graphs and the constant hand-wringing are enough to put people off. Our mission was to give people scannable, chunkable, verifiable. facts that they could use to inform their worldview, to have a conversation and take action. Our job is to help people see the system so they can take action to change it. It’s actually incredibly easy to get the attention of governments, and particularly industries, but it won’t happen if we can’t see it. Systemic action by people who care is the only way forward.”

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