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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Healing For The Soul

Jerron C. Hill, M.D., has written a new book of poetry, Healing For The Soul: Food for Thought, that shares a moving and inspiring collection of contemporary poems addressing modern-day challenges that allow readers to reflect upon the compassion of God for humanity for believers and non-believers alike.

Hill is a board-certified anesthesiologist who has practiced medicine for 30 years, and is He is founder of Ketamine Health and Wellness in Plano and Dr. CBD in University Park. The poems compel the reader to engage in personal introspection and reflection, and enjoin them to place hope in the prospect of not only a meaningful life lived today, but for the promise of lasting goodness and eternity, as well.

Each composition culminates in a heartfelt plea to trust in Jesus and repent from sin. Hill makes it clear, both through his own journey and the wisdom of scripture, that Jesus changes lives, heals the brokenhearted and resuscitates broken relationships. These poems provide guidance, hope, edification and encouragement for readers of all ages.

The book is available at and Barnes & Noble.

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