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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Genostim Promotes Peptides as Key to Longevity

Lauriston Crockett III, president and CEO of Genostim Performance Labs, has maintained a passion for health and fitness since his early 20s. In 1982, he earned the first of many certifications in fitness and personal training, providing services in Florida and Texas. An abrupt life change occurred in his 40s, when Joe Cocker, his beloved 8-year-old cocker spaniel, succumbed to cancer and died in his arms. That tragedy sent Crockett on a mission to help people and animals maintain good health and longevity.

Through research and study, Crockett learned about the importance of peptides, short-chain amino acids that are naturally found in humans and animals. “The average human body has 37.2 trillion cells. Every cell in the body has a peptide in it. Every function in the body acts and communicates through peptides and bioregulators. Peptides and peptide communication is how we live a longer, healthier life,” he explains.

Crockett began working with biochemists, endocrinologists, homeopaths and naturopaths, and partnered with a formulation company to isolate peptides into a pure hexatide peptide supplement while capturing the 18 amino acids and 28 naturally occurring growth factors. He emphasizes that growth factors should not be confused with growth hormones or steroids. Growth factors are found in the common chicken egg, he explains, and go directly to their cellular receptor sites.

Genostim Performance Labs launched in 2006 with a product line that includes Genostim GS-6, a peptide formula for low-to-moderately active people weighing less than 175 pounds; Genostim Pro, for active individuals that weigh more than 175 pounds; and Genostim HDP, a chewable formula with antimicrobial host defense peptides that Crockett says are the most potent broad-spectrum antibiotic created by the human immune system to destroy fungi, bacterium and viruses. The HDP formula also includes zinc and vitamin C. Crockett’s 12-year-old son, Lauriston IV, chose HDP’s natural cherry flavor to appeal to children.

Genostim’s pet division, The Gift of Life, makes products for dogs and cats. Everything is made in America with U.S.-sourced ingredients and are of top-tier, human-grade quality, according to Crockett.

Crockett says the word peptide comes from the Greek word peptose, which translates to digested. “Around the age of 30, the human digestive system starts slowing down, so therefore, we’re not getting the peptides that we used to when we were younger,” he says. “I can give you rocket fuel for your engine, but if your engine is not effective nor functioning at the same level, the finest diet in the world won’t help if the digestive system will not be able to process nutrients such as peptides to create the same youthful effect that we had when we were younger,” Crockett asserts this is the key to faster aging with more disease.

He explains that Genostim’s hexatide peptide naturally bypasses the digestive system and goes directly into the bloodstream. The full-spectrum peptide formulas, in capsule or chewable form, are designed to be taken twice per day. “Peptides stay in the system for eight to 12 hours. We don’t want peaks and valleys, so when taken twice per day, the body stays in homeostasis, or balance, because the peptides stay in blood 24 hours a day.”

Crockett trademarked the term “Peptide Fueling” to simplify how Genostim’s peptide products bypass the digestive system and go directly into the bloodstream to boost cellular health and help improve muscle mass, fertility, digestion, skin health, brain function and more. Crockett wrote the book Peptides Are Life, along with a series of e-Guides, available free on the Genostim website, that further break down how Peptide Fueling can help seniors, pets and athletes.

At 64, Crockett says he’s got the energy and vitality of a 20-year-old and takes no pharmaceutical medications. He is also a father to Maxton Lee Crockett I, his 1-year-old son. “We have the key to unlock the answer to health and longevity,” he enthuses.

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