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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Tips For Optimum Organ Maintenance

Water: It is recommended that individuals drink half their body weight in ounces each day. thirty-seven percent of people mistake thirst for hunger because they are unaware that they are thirsty and not hungry. Reverse osmosis or purified water is recommended.

Oral health: A biological approach to dental care can optimize your health. Your body can affect your mouth and likewise your mouth can affect your body. Removing mercury filings and heavy metals from the mouth promotes higher immunity and organ function.

Food: Read the label to check for hidden sugars, canola oil, trans fats and GMOs. Adopt a Mediterranean way of eating, increasing fresh vegetables, healthy proteins, fats and limit carbohydrate consumption. Anti-inflammatory living is vital to optimizing nutrient status.

Movement: Exercise and deep breathing helps offset stress and increases endorphins, which decreases pain and boosts well-being.

Mindfulness: Prayer and meditation promote self -healing and harmony in the body.

Sleep: The body heals itself when you are asleep. It is the best supplement anyone can get. Studies show that people that sleep seven to nine hours each night live longer, healthier lives. It is recommended to stop using electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets and television) two to three hours before bed. The blue light emitted by these devices disrupts melatonin production.


For more information, contact Leanne Hutcherson, Naturopath, at 972-540-0726 or [email protected].