Create Your Own Oracle Deck with Dr. Tricia Seymour
Are you ready to have an oracle deck to read that is fully YOUR energy? Join us for a fun, hands-on class to learn how to create your own deck!

Are you ready to have an oracle deck to read that is fully YOUR energy?
Do you feel overwhelmed considering creating an oracle deck and need guidance to make it real?
Are you looking for help to create an oracle deck?
This class is very hands on! You will be organizing and creating your own oracle card deck. All you need is your imagination and a set of blank cards to start with. Blank cards are available for purchase at our store. You can draw your own art on the cards or cut pictures out of the magazines, (provided with class), to create your personalized oracle deck. You will receive guidance on what to include and how to create your unique deck.
Price: $30 (blank decks not included)
Don’t miss out on this opportunity for insight and guidance. Dr. Tricia created her own oracle decks over 20 years ago and still used them for intuitive reading today!
Date & Time
May 30, 2024
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Entelechea Center - 1201 International Parkway, Suite 200, Richardson, TX, 75081
More Info
Religion & Spirituality Other Classes & Workshops Spirituality oracle psychic metaphysics Psychic Development Metaphysical spiritual divination