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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Evaluating Breast Health

Sep 28, 2011 06:01PM ● By Genie Fields, DC

Have you ever thought how great it would be to actually find out the state of your breast health before a lump or tumor is found on a mammogram? Most tumors take years to develop to a size that can be seen on a mammogram, but what is happening to the breast tissue during that time? Wouldn’t it be comforting to really know?

Now there is a safe, non-irradiating, non-invasive way to detect inflammations, blockages, possible toxins or damaged cells even before they become a severe problem, called computerized regulation thermography (CRT 2000).

Developed in Germany and approved for use in the United States, CRT 2000 offers a wonderful addition to other methods of functional physiological evaluation. CRT 2000 is not designed to diagnose disease, but to analytically assess organs and systems for their functional health.

CRT 2000 safely reveals patterns consistent with documented healthy or unhealthy functions. Although there are other methods of thermographic imaging, CRT 2000 has the advantage of assessing multiple organ systems, not just the breasts. Using a highly sensitive contact probe and sophisticated software that converts heat energy on the skin into electronic data signals seen on the computer monitor, we can measure the functionality of not only the breast tissue, but the function of all our organs and glands.

Advances in thermography research have shown that breast cancer is not a local disease, but a sign of failed or failing regional and global homeostatic regulation. There are several functional systems of the body that are highly influential in breast pathology. We must assess lymph origin and stress in the lymphatic system, endocrine (glandular) imbalance, metabolic influences from suboptimal organ function (liver, pancreas, kidney, intestines) and suspicion of heavy metal toxicity, as well as the possibility of distant focal infections, such as tonsil or Thermagraphy Dallasdental inflammation.

Assessing the body’s terrain is another essential key in determining areas of dysfunction. This terrain is our body’s whole internal environment, including the connective tissue and the interstitial fluids, comprised of protein, enzymes, mineral and neuroendocrine transmitters. Unhealthy terrain is created over years of disturbances in the body’s electromagnetic field, chemical toxins, negative thoughts, untreated trauma, including medical procedures, and acid/alkaline imbalances, which provoke fungal, bacterial or mycobacterial progression. All of these affect our overall immunity, and our overall immunity affects our breast health.

CRT 2000 is an adjunctive diagnostic tool that detects patterns that may lead to a disease. Thermography can be used as often as indicated to trace a problem, observe the effectiveness of treatment or monitor the health of the breast over time.

Dr. Fields is the director of the Thermography Center of Dallas, where the CRT 2000 has been used to perform non-invasive breast and wellness testing for the past 10 years. Location: Address. Contact: 972-342-4810 or visit site.

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