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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Letter from Publisher

As part of our ongoing effort to bring you helpful, practical and often cutting-edge information, last month I attended Austin’s SXSW (South By Southwest) Eco conference, a holy grail of green and sustainable leadership advancing solutions to drive global economic, environmental and social change.

I was especially struck by the commitment of members of the Millennial generation working to save our planet through sustainable living. In sync with this, the average age of the convention’s staff appears to be under 40, and half of our magazine’s online readers are 34 and younger.  It’s heartwarming and comforting to know the world’s next generation of leaders is committed to being well-equipped and compassionate stewards of our planet. Previous generations of the modern era, starting with the Industrial Revolution, have failed to protect the integrity of many of Earth’s vital ecosystems, and we are grateful to all those energetically committed to the cause.

Another conference highlight was a Center for Environment Health (CEH) session with actor/activist/writer Evan Handler (of Sex and the City and Californication) on how chemicals in everyday products are killing us and what you and we can do about it. I’ve now resolved to take notice when a toxic substance is removed from a product or a harmful product is removed from the marketplace and to find out about its replacement to see how safe it is. I’ve become a CEH member and look forward to sharing some of their insights and calls to action with you in coming months.

I also met with folks from EarthJustice, the leading nonprofit environmental law organization, advising North Texas’ Denton anti-fracking movement. I love the call for an Earth Justice system of laws that, like our criminal justice system, enforces the apprehension, prosecution, defense, sentencing and punishment of those suspected or convicted of environmental offenses.

Mary Burke-Thomas’ article, “The Healing Power of Sound Vibration,” was inspired by the Rainforest Sounds Concert presented by the United Nations Foundation. As well , our November Eco Brief spotlights how the city of Georgetown, Texas, is switching to 100 percent renewable energy.

Judith Fertig’s feature story, “True Wealth,” sums up the importance of discerning and acting on what we deeply care about. The secret to success at the local, national and global level is moderation (another word for self-control) combined with extracting the most value possible from everything we touch. Through restraint, vigilance, innovation and commitment, we can live healthier lives in a healthier environment and leave a safer world for future generations. God created life to be self-sustaining, and all that we need was originally given to us freely, as a gift.

Please join with me in committing to being a better and better steward every day. Let’s be like the ALS folks and make a pledge to do one thing daily to help the environment.


Bernice Signature

Bernice Butler, Publisher

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