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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Conservation Summit in Dallas

Sep 30, 2024 08:36AM ● By Bernice Butler

More than 300 leaders in conservation, business and communities will meet for the Texan by Nature Conservation Summit on October 23 at the George W. Bush Presidential Center to catalyze new ideas, partnerships and the future of conservation. The Summit explores the latest models, Return on Conservation metrics and best-in-class collaborations to inspire new partnerships and drive conservation innovation and impact, realizing total system value by cultivating future leaders and generating change through improved feedback loops and communication.

Realizing System Value speakers are Kathia Gonzalez, development director of Frontera Land Alliance, and Monica Ellis, CEO of Global Water Challenge.

A Cultivating Stewards panel will dive into education and development models for youth and workforce with speakers Heather Kuhlken, founder and executive director of Families in Nature, Alison Westphal, Houston and Baton Rouge site director of Texas Conservation Corp, American Youth Works, and Edward Craner, senior vice president of marketing for HOLT CAT.

Generating Change speakers are Allan Berger, chairman of the board of San Antonio Bay Partnership, and Kevin Lang, CEO of Agerpoint.

Location: 2943 SMU Blvd., Dallas. To attend free in person or virtually,  visit