Stop Inflammation Before it Starts

Inflammation is the precursor to many short- and long-term ailments. Some sources are obvious and some are not. One thing is certain: Prevention is better than cure. Here are five tips to prevent inflammation.
o Eat nutritious foods that are not processed and do not overindulge in sugary foods.
o Get a good night's rest. Sleep deprivation leads to a weaker immune system, which can make us more susceptible to inflammation and infection.
o Regular exercise helps to detoxify the body and builds a strong immune response.
o Take vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc and fish oil to support a healthy immune system that prevents inflammation.
o Keep your endocannabinoid system in homeostasis by taking cannabidiol (CBD) to support endogenous endocannabinoids anandamide and 2 arachidonyl glycerol to help combat stress which causes inflammation.
Jerron C. Hill, M.D., is an Anesthesiologist and the founder of the Ketamine Health & Wellness Center of Texas, located at 5944 W. Parker Rd., Ste. 400, and Dr. CBD & Nutrition Centers at 6933 Hillcrest, in Dallas. For more information, call 972-212-4341.