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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Freedom to Live in the New Year

Everybody has their own Mount Everest they were put on this Earth to climb.” ~ Seth Godin

As I contemplate embarking upon a new year, the word freedom springs to mind—what a wonderful, immeasurable blessing. Beyond the basic freedoms America stands for; founded on democratic governance and unalienable rights for all, we have hourly opportunities to enjoy increasing mental, emotional and spiritual freedom.

Who couldn’t use more freedom from the slavery of bad habits, self-blame, mental stagnation and fearfulness? All of which, by the way, are covered by Christ’s gift of grace received, accepted and lived.

I rejoice to have been set free from feeling disappointed about some business goals I didn’t accomplish this past year, acknowledging that opportunities, by their very nature, keep on coming. I’ve also been liberated from carrying around guilt—and that’s the important part—for the pounds gained, not taking better care of my health and losing touch with the friends and family I didn’t yet call, write, pray for or take the time to hang out with.

Then there are all the books I needed to read, but didn’t (including some I bought and still haven't opened). I wish I’d prayed more for our country, for the least and the lost in the world, and for more significant actions in sustaining the integrity of Earth’s environment—from recycling consistently to championing clean air. Yes, I worked some Sundays, and I’m sure we all have such a list. But whew, how great to let ourselves be sprung from the prison of all that baggage so that we can move on and progress.

Underlying it all is a recent epiphany that continues to give me great joy: that goal setting, for me, is not about applying human will to force a list of things to do in all aspects of life on January 1. Rather, it’s about prayerfully and gently yielding to a Higher Power—a power directing me to highlight intentions of things to be, do and pursue that have emerged in my thinking over the last year.

However you manage it and whatever your goals for 2022, I hope you will include reading Natural Awakenings of Dallas every month. I also hope you will make it a point to contact me and let us know what you would like to see more of in these pages. For starters, please look for our annual Healthy Living Healthy Planet Resource Directory in April, intended as a handy, user-friendly, year-round reference.

I feel blessed to be given another year’s opportunity to become a better person as I work alongside you all to make our local, national and global community a better place to live. Thank you for spreading the word by your living example that healthy living is green, and green living is healthy.


Bernice Butler, Publisher