KUDOS - Dallas Zoo

Silver Creek Materials, a Fort Worth recycling, composting, and mining company headed by Robert Dow, has partnered with the Dallas Zoo to turn more than 2 million pounds of manure from the zoo’s elephants, giraffes, hippos and other herbivores annually into a rich organic compost called Zoo Poo beginning this year. A portion of Zoo Poo sales will benefit international wildlife conservation organizations supported by the Dallas Zoo.
It will be sold at the Dallas Zoo gift shop, local specialty stores and Silver Creek Materials in West Fort Worth. The manure, with its mixture of hay and bedding material, creates an impeccable composted blend for potted plants, growing gardens and landscape. The Dallas Zoo has a goal of diverting 90 percent of its waste from landfills by 2030 as part of a commitment to sustainability.
For more information, visit DallasZoo.com.