The Dyes Have It

Artificial food colors and dyes are the culprit behind rise in food sensitivities. Children leave birthday parties with purple teeth and blue tongues, stained by the lollipops and dark cake icing. Artificial food dyes are pervasive in our dietary options; it is time we take a step to cut them out. Most foods with artificial coloring (cakes, candies, drinks, snacks, etc.) are unhealthy and ultra-processed. These sources typically make their way to kid’s plates and contribute to adverse health effects on our next generation.
People reacting to foods they were able to digest earlier could be a sign of delayed food reaction, also known as food sensitivity. For instance, someone happily enjoys a slice of homemade, all-purpose flour cake without icing and has no reaction. The following week, they eat a red velvet cake at a birthday party made with the same all-purpose flour and break out into a rash. The first reaction would be to blame the cake ingredients (flour, eggs). However, the true culprit is hiding in plain sight: the red food coloring.
Combining flour with an artificial food color or dye causes the protein in the flour to change its structure. When that protein structure changes, enzymes in the body cannot break it down effectively. The faster our digestive system can break down proteins, the less reactive that protein becomes. However, incompletely digested food proteins remain in our circulatory system and cause reactions.
We can trade the artificial food colors and dyes in our pantry for natural, plant-based powders. Substitute pink with pitaya powder made from dragon fruit skin, blue with butterfly pea flower powder, purple with beetroot powder and green with matcha tea, to name a few. Not only are these natural substitutes beautiful in color, but they are also rich in antioxidants, fiber and phytonutrients, bringing superior health benefits: a win-win.
Nutritionist Niti Shah, PT, MS, CNS, founded Back 2 Basics Functional Nutrition, in Irving. For more information contact or 972-514-7956 or visit