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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


The Butterfly Effect

“I'm finally in remission. This is the first time all my numbers have been normal since I was diagnosed. I'm on a very low dosage of my meds! Best Christmas gift ever!”

“Woo-hoo. How much do you feel ‘being in a better mental space’ does for your physical health?”

“It plays a huge part. One of the things they tell people who have autoimmune diseases is to do our best not to stress because it causes flareups!”

Many people say, “I want less stress in my life,” but, what they really mean is less of a reaction to stress. For example, someone may think public speaking is stressful, while another may be energized by a speaking assignment.

What we identify as stress is usually synonymous with tension and anxiety that causes physical and mental damage. Tension and anxiety shows up in the body as tightness, pressure, strain and pain. In the mind, tension and anxiety show as a feeling like a victim (life is happening to you).

According to the World Health Organization, stress is any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. Stress is the body's response to anything that requires attention or action. Everyone experiences stress to some degree. Stress affects both the brain and body. A little bit of stress is good for people to perform and protect themselves but too much stress can overwhelm and lead to fight-flight-or-freeze response. Stress shows as fear, worry, inability to relax, increased heart rate, difficulty in breathing and increased use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Some diseases and stress are interrelated. Just as in the movie, The Butterfly Effect, everything is related. In short, everything is connected.

Any time there is tension and anxiety, energy and optimal performance decreases. Furthermore, any time performance is not the best, it is a stimulus. There are six stimuli. Spiritual influencers involve purpose, beliefs, values, gifts, desires, goals, etc. When anything causes a question, or comes into conflict with values, purpose, goals, connection and beliefs, you suffer physical, mental or emotional predicaments.

Mental influencers involve clarity, focus, interest and the right degree of challenge. For example, when you stretch yourself too thin or have conflicting demands, are distracted or are bored or not challenged enough, you feel stressed physically or emotionally.

Emotional influencers involve needs and desires, tasks, enthusiasm, energy, emotional control and response instead of a reaction to any given situation. When needs, desires or expectations are unmet or misunderstood, or emotions are ineffective dealt with, you are stressed, and show it physically, mentally or emotionally.

Physical influences involve awareness of your body’s messages and how you take care of yourself. When your body is unable to function in an optimal manner, or a manner to which it is accustomed to, you may also suffer a lack focus emotionally.

Social influences consist of the appropriate amount and type of interaction with others you socialize with. When social conditions aren’t optimal or when other people’s energy affects your own energy, your energy will likely be depleted. For that reason, you may have decreased focus, increased stress and increased emotional reactions which do not serve you.

Environmental influences involve the atmosphere you prefer. When you encounter an environment that you believe prevents you from functioning in an optimal manner, you may have a mental, emotional, physical or environmental challenge.

Lametra B. Off, MS, ICF-ACC, CPC, CCSP, GCDF, is a leadership success coach facilitator at LBO Career Coaching & Consulting. For more information, call 972-423-9542  or email [email protected] or visit

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Posted by Natural Awakenings Dallas Metroplex Magazine on Monday, June 24, 2024
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