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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Dollar Days at the Dallas Zoo

The Dallas Zoo has Dollar Day events from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., July 13 and August 8, providing an affordable opportunity for families and individuals to experience the wonders of the animal kingdom. If the forecast calls for sun with temps that will feel like more than 100 degrees, bring sunscreen.

Here are some hot weather tips to make the Dallas Zoo a cool summer experience. Look for misters and oscillating fans for a brief cool down. Step inside one of the indoor, air-conditioned spaces to get out of the heat. To stay hydrated, the Zoo sells $2 water on Dollar Day, or bring a refillable water bottle to top off at most snack spots and restaurants.

Look at a map of the Zoo beforehand to make plan for the day and consider which half to visit first: Wilds of Africa (hippos, giraffes, elephants, lions, Gorilla Trail) or ZooNorth (Children’s Zoo, reptiles, tiger, monkeys, otters, etc.) and which special events to catch.

Tickets must be purchased in advance at