Planning for Our Transportation Future

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Executive Board has approved contracts with two consultants to help transportation managers, board members and elected officials develop a next generation transit system for the region. McKinsey & Company and InfraStrategies, LLC, will be paid approximately $2.2 million to help design a system that accommodates the North Central Texas of the future.
The Dallas-Fort Worth area is served by three existing public transportation providers: Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Denton County Transportation Authority and Trinity Metro, in Fort Worth. The 12-county metropolitan area has a population of over 8 million people and is forecast to grow to more than 11 million by 2045. Much of the projected population surge is expected to occur outside existing transit authority service areas, requiring an innovative approach for moving people across the region in the future.
The study to explore Regional Transit 2.0 aims to examine crucial transportation investments that could accommodate the anticipated population growth and support sustainable development across the region, while also serving cities that lack the sales tax capacity to join one of the three traditional transit providers.
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