DFW Solar Tour

The 10th annual DFW Solar Tour will
be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., October 5, at a selection of innovative homes
and buildings throughout the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex. Thousands of visitors have already toured homes,
schools, libraries and other energy-efficient, sustainable buildings to see
what forward-thinking people in North Texas are doing to build a
self-sufficient, renewable sustainable future.
The strategies and techniques on
display range from changing to LED light bulbs and selecting more efficient
appliances to cutting-edge, ultra-efficient eco-homes and businesses that
generate as much or more energy than they consume.
The DFW Solar Tour is organized by
the nonprofit volunteer-based North Texas Renewable Energy Group, Inc., in cooperation with the Texas
Solar Energy Society and the American Solar Energy Society National Solar Tour.
The National Solar tour is the largest
grassroots renewable energy event in the nation, with more than 165,000
participants expected to visit some 5,500 buildings in 3,200 communities across
the U.S. The DFW Solar Tour is the fifth largest solar tour in the country.
For more information, visit dfwsolartour.org.