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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Great Reasons To Include Golden Spice In Diet

·       Anti-inflammatory -Chronic inflammation causes and advances many common chronic diseases and various degenerative conditions such as inflammatory bowel diseases, heart disease, cancer—including increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat, etc. Studies have shown that curcumin acts as an anti-inflammatory compound by inhibiting different molecules that play a role in inflammation in your body.

·       Turmeric for Diabetes -There are many herbs which are useful in diabetes, but nothing is good enough to be compared to Turmeric. In Diabetes, Turmeric is an excellent option both as a preventive and curative agent.

·       Metabolic correction and anti-oxidant property of turmeric -Since Turmeric rectifies the Agni (metabolic fire) by its hot potency, bitter and astringent taste, it cleanses and detoxifies Digestive juice and circulatory nutrition and thus enables free circulation of nutrients to every cell of the body thus restoring the normal body function.

·       Regulation of Liver Functions It has a cleansing effect on the intestines and a stimulant effect on the liver. In Ayurveda, it is considered to be a blood purifier and is used to enhance the condition and appearance of the skin both through topical and internal applications.

Single-serving Golden Milk
1 cup of milk

2-3 saffron strands

Pinch cardamom powder

1/4 tsp turmeric powder

Pinch of ginger powder

Pinch of nutmeg powder

½-1 tsp of organic sugar (optional)

Directions -In a Small Saucepan, warm milk just before it simmers. Whisk in all the spices, let it boil completely. Once boiled , remove from heat and enjoy warm

Submitted by Vaidya Meenakshi, owner Ayurroots.

6101 Chapel Hill Blvd #201-L, Plano 75093.


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