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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Take a Pledge to Clean the Air and Improve Health

Despite improvements in air quality, Dallas-Fort Worth still does not meet federal government standards for ozone pollution. Residents can help boost the region’s air quality without making significant changes by participating in Clean Air Action Day on June 2.

Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant and Wise counties are in nonattainment for ozone, and attention should be paid to air quality all year. Summer is the height of ozone season, when temperatures typically soar. Better air quality can be achieved by working from home, finding an alternative commute, limiting unnecessary idling or even taking a lunch to work.

For a full list of clean air strategies individuals, businesses and governments can enact to help the region move closer to attainment, and to take the pledge to complete one action to benefit regional air quality, visit Sign up for air quality alerts at to stay informed about when action is required.

North Texans are encouraged to maintain their Clean Air Action Day commitment made on June 2 throughout all of ozone season, which ends Nov. 30. Be sure to use #CAAD2023 and tag @NCTCOGtrans on social media to show your commitment to clean air in your community and to get others involved. Start taking steps to ensure better air quality for all North Texans by choosing the clean air strategy that works for you. Every small change made can have an impact on quality of life throughout the region.