Cultivating Our Inner Garden
Women are like flowers in a garden—beauty surrounded by life’s chaos. A flower in full bloom is radiant in color with a silky texture. A woman in full glory feels her inner beauty with a spirit of strong determination and focus. Women are creators, feeling free to create anything imaginable. By nature, they are nurturers and the support centers of our homes, children, work, clubs, activities and organizations. The highs and lows of life are inevitable as they experience life’s joy and excitement, as well as pain and anxiety. It is during the trying times in life they need to be especially mindful of their thoughts and actions.
When they feel stretched, overexposed to life’s challenges, or put other’s needs first, they struggle. Those challenges come from the influences of the outside world. By over-giving, the feel depleted, tired, and even annoyed at themselves and often turn to distractions to numb difficult emotions with the internet, eating, shopping, alcohol and staying busy. It is not selfish to put themselves first with healthy self-care practices and boundaries. It helps to pause and ask if these habits, behaviors and attitudes support them. If not, they can change behavior patterns by repeatedly sending new messages to the brain. With enough repetition, the brain grows new positive neurons and healthy mental pathways are formed. It is possible to wire the brain for what we want and what is good.
Finding simple ways to nourish ourselves will brighten our lives. Pay close attention to the sweet pleasures of life, no matter how small. Savor watching the sun rise over the horizon, notice the beauty of crepe myrtles or simply feel the grass under bare feet. It can be difficult for the woman that is always doing with a mind that is always racing, to take the needed time to be alone, pray, journal, meditate or spend time in nature. There is tremendous value in enjoying these moments, which bring peace to our hearts and offer insight into our authentic selves.
Everyone is important and should not miss out on the life they deserve to live. Get back on track by resetting the mind with how we want to live and love, and what brings us joy and happiness. Practice self-awareness and begin to make needed changes in thinking, feeling and acting in life. The present—the “now”—is the only place to use the energy we have and create the life we want. The choice is ours of how to experience our life. One step at a time, one seed at a time, enables us to cultivate our inner garden and become a happier version of ourselves.
Debra Rossi is founder of Mindset for Success Coaching in DFW. For more information vist