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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Worse Bugs in Summer And What To Do

Jun 28, 2024 08:44AM ● By Bernice Butler

Every creature on Earth has its niche in the biosphere, which has been humming merrily along for millions of years. But for the most recent dozen centuries or so, human civilization has taken exception to the persistent nuisance of certain insects. Some of the more egregious pests due to all the rain and heat of the season are gnats, flies and mosquitoes.

Gnats: They are quite irritating and seem to multiply daily. Check all fruit and vegetables that are not refrigerated. At the slightest signs of spoilage, gnats will be found in the house. Clean drains with an equal amount of baking soda and vinegar, and keep them covered. If there are house plants remove the top inch of soil and replace it with sand. Gnats lay their eggs on fruit, vegetables, the topsoil of house plants and yard cuttings. Place one clear plastic cup with sweet red wine, about one-quarter to one-third cup, in each room and replace it every couple of days.

Flies: They are the most dangerous insect in the world, spreading disease more than any other. They mostly live where they are born, but can travel up to 20 miles a day. Look for something decaying inside and outside the home. Rotting vegetation in standing water can become a breeding ground for flies. They basically live in filth. If there are pets, especially dogs, pick up their feces daily. That is a fly favorite—they eat and lay their eggs there. Clean trash cans that on the curb because breed flies, too. Wipe down counters and do not leave dirty dishes in the sink. Sanitation inside and outside is key. Flies hate the smell of cloves, so put some dried cloves in a bowl in each room and buy a flyswatter.

Mosquitoes This is the deadliest insect in the world. They spread many diseases with their bite and only need a thimbleful of water to lay eggs. Only the females bite. They will fly two miles for a meal. Plants like sage, basil, mint, lavender, citronella and many others mask our human scent so they can’t find us. Marigolds and geraniums repel them. Do not let water stand in drain pots,empty flowerpots or anything else. Even a pet’s outdoor water bowl can become a breeding ground. Choose landscaping elements wisely. Bushes, bamboo, ground cover, climbing vines, and plants like monkey grass are habitats for them. We can make our own mosquito repellant with essential oils and use it.

Lin Ellis is the founder and owner of Eco Friends Pest Control, which she launched in 2009 with her husband, Mick Ellis. Her lifelong love for animals and her experiences working in veterinary clinics fueled her mission, and witnessing the harmful effects of pesticides on pets drove her to seek better alternatives. In serving her eco-friendly approach, Ellis is a Commercial Certified Applicator, RIS Certified by the Texas Department of Agriculture. This license and certification enable her to create a green and organic plan that benefits clients. She focuses on botanical pest control, avoiding harmful chemicals.

Her background in animal medicine led her to explore safer alternatives in collaboration with Dr. Ray Thompson, an entomologist on the Eco Friends staff. Together, they champion non-chemical pest control and their dedication ensures that clients receive effective, eco-friendly solutions.

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