2021 Virtual Solar Tour is October 2

2021 Virtual Solar Tour is October 2
The 12th annual DFW Solar Tour, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., October 2, is organized to educate the public on energy conservation, solar, wind, geothermal and other renewable energy options available to homeowners and businesses. To mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the DFW Solar Tour this year will be all virtual.
The website has been updated to include virtual tours of the most highly visited homes and business during the last few years. Many homes provide examples of energy-efficient renovations, green/sustainable design and the use of green materials during construction or remodeling so participants can get an idea of the variety of green options available to them.
The North Texas Renewable Energy Group (NTREG) has a YouTube Playlist which contains videos of our highlighted homes and businesses. In addition, on October 2, tour hosts will be conducting live interactive video Q&A sessions for the public. The DFW 2021 Solar Tube You Tube Playlist will also be available on the Natural Awakenings Dallas-Fort Worth website.
The annual National Solar Tour, organized by the nonprofit NTREG and American Solar Energy Society, is the world's largest grassroots solar event.
Admission is free. Register at dfwsolartour.org. For more information, visit ntreg.org, ases.org and txses.org.