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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Virtual Sustainability Summit at Dallas College

Virtual Sustainability Summit at Dallas College

Dallas College will host the 11th annual Sustainability Summit with the theme of Social Responsibility: Cultivating Civic Engagement, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., November 5, online. Topics to be discussed include Respect for Self and Others; Civil Discourse; Reflective Structured Dialogues; Why Voting Matters; Media Literacy; Meditation: Can Mindfulness Change the World?; and Three Questions that Can Transform the World.

Civil discourse is defined by American University’s Project on Civil Discourse as: truthful, productive, audience-based, about listening and talking and each person’s own responsibility. Attendees will leave the conference with new skills that will help them restore respect, understanding and tolerance in their dealings with other people and enable them to communicate more effectively with people that have different ideas and opinions than their own.

The event is produced by Dallas College’s Social Responsibility and Inclusion Office, which consists of three areas: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Supplier Diversity; and Sustainability. The goal is to provide no-cost learning opportunities to students, employees and community members in these three areas. Dallas College supports the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This conference supports Goal #16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.


Admission is free at; Registration opens Sept. 15. For more information, call Lorilyn Hester at 214- 273-3267 or email [email protected].