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Natural Awakenings Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Edition


Ohzone Clinics - Jennifer Dillon

Jennifer Dillon recalls how her coworkers in the corporate world raised their eyebrows during lunch while she consumed kale salads and superfood shakes. Now through Ohzone Clinics, the ozone therapy business she formed in 2016, she’s surrounded by like-minded people. “They’re my wellness tribe,” she enthuses. “We help each other, and we collaborate to bring all different ideas to the table.”

Dillon affirms that a desire to build a satisfying, inclusive workspace can be a key motivator for women to start wellness businesses. Another is a desire to share personal experience; Dillon’s interest in holistic modalities began when her family’s illnesses and were not served by conventional treatments. She recalls being skeptical of natural modalities, but after everyone’s health improved through therapies such as ozone, she was inspired to create a different kind of enterprise. By focusing on education and sharing her story with her clients, Dillon created an approachable space to help people. That compassion helps her bridge Western medicine and affordable alternative treatments in an approachable setting.

Owning any business comes with challenges, especially for single moms such as Dillon. “I’m dedicated to every client, and have been very hands-on since day one,” she says. “Balancing business growth while maintaining integrity is still a challenge. It’s trial and error, but I’m enjoying the journey of finding my work-life balance.”

Jennifer Dillon

Ohzone Clinics

4300 MacArthur Ave. Ste. 150 and Ste. 185, Dallas
