Dr. Elizabeth Seymour - Environmental Health Center - Dallas

The independence of being a business owner is often prime motivation for people to take their education, degrees and certifications to the next level, including practice ownership, observes Dr. Elizabeth Seymour, of Environmental Health Center – Dallas. She notes that resources and help for working women has grown, along with overall social acceptance of women in the workplace. She is grateful that the Center already had solid telemedicine and phone consult protocols in place prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, so she and her staff were better suited to provide their functional medicine services during and after the shutdowns.
“We went from 20 percent virtual visits to more than 50 percent during the pandemic,” she notes. “The blessing was that we already had medical records and office infrastructure in place for that, so it wasn’t a stark change. I think other health practitioners struggled with that if they already didn’t have a platform in place.” The telemedicine option also allows Seymour to create her own work-life balance. She can still see patients from home, and do chores and tasks between appointments.
Seymour says pandemic stress has taken a toll on everyone, but she’s seen an increase in depression, anxiety and insomnia in her female patients. “We’re not through the woods, but through the thick of COVID. People are now getting outdoors and getting sunshine, breathing fresh air and returning to community involvement. Retuning somewhat back to normal helps mental health and coping skills,” she says, adding that dietary and lifestyle changes, along with exercise, help control stress and improve hormonal imbalances.
Dr. Elizabeth Seymour
Environmental Health Center - Dallas
399 Melrose Dr., Ste. A, Richardson