Living An Authentic Life

Everyone has a fountain of untapped potential waiting to be expressed and released to the world. With this power, we can accomplish tasks that initially seem unattainable. This limitless potential is the part that dreams big and is aligned with our higher, best self. Accessing this authenticity can happen naturally or through a transformational process of spiritual growth. Growing spiritually happens from putting a conscious effort into learning who we are and trusting, even during tough times, that a higher power is guiding us. Those living life true to themselves attain more wellness and happiness. They follow feelings of the heart and have the courage to be different. Walking through this doorway opens their innate gifts, talents and abilities to be shared and enjoyed with others.
To unleash true potential means breaking through fears, old behavior patterns and limiting beliefs that keep us stuck. These fears, behaviors and limiting beliefs began at a young age. Continuing a cycle of gaining others’ approval or support before acting upon our ideas leads to disappointment. True authenticity is accepting and trusting our values and beliefs. It is important to pay attention to the choices we make and what feels best for us. The voice that says, “Things are too good to be true, I know this won’t last long,” or, “I can’t start my own business, I need more experience,” sabotages opportunities in life by creating a limiting mindset. Learn to reclaim what has been lost at a young age: the ability to be vulnerable, express ourselves freely and truly be in the present moment.
Inner freedom can be discovered through self-awareness and taking the time to have healthy self-care practices. Self-care is a conscious act promoting mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health. Self-awareness allows us to live life in a state of authenticity with joy and flow. The aware person gets up in the morning praying, meditating or journaling. They are interested in life, mindful of opportunities and stimulated by varying activities. The aware person’s brain continues to grow and change in positive ways. They embrace their uniqueness, which opens them to a world of possibilities. The unaware person lives on autopilot, repeating patterns and experiences from the previous day. They do little that is different or new. The unaware person is not any less important than the aware person; their brain is just programmed to think less curiously. However, so much can be missed in their lives by not paying attention to life.
Living an authentic life means living life to the fullest. Authenticity can be nurtured and developed at any time. Making ourselves a priority, letting go of what is no longer in our highest and best interest, trusting our ideas and taking action steps will create a space for transformation to occur. Embracing our best self allows us to step outside our comfort zone and discover ‘that we can do whatever captures our heart’s desire. An abundant and contented spirit fills us with riches.
Debra Rossi is founder of Mindset for Success Coaching in DFW. For more information, visit